
Why Sweep?

BEJA Environmental, Inc.

"Maintaining the Image of Your Property

At a recent meeting, a potential client asked, "What are the benefits of sweeping?"

"What?!?" I thought, "You don't know?" I quickly gathered myself and began sharing the benefits of sweeping a parking lot or construction site.

I am reminded how even the most basic of jobs need to be justified in light of cost benefits, especially in a tight economy. Aside from appearance, there are many reasons why sweeping needs to be an integral part of your property maintenance program. The info below is reprinted with permission from Ranger, our good friend and editor of

Maybe you know of other benefits. Feel free to share. Thanks for reading!

Studies have shown that cleanliness ranks as a top factor in determining where people shop or work, and external cleanliness is seen by many as equally important as that of the interior of the building. Here are some of the major reasons for sweeping your property regularly:

• People like to patronize the successful. Clearly, all businesses would choose to have a clean parking area, all other considerations aside. The unwillingness or inability to keep a particular area cleaned projects an image of not being successful.

• Outside parking areas are where business owners hope their potential customers will derive an initially good ‘first impression.’ The way the outside area looks also projects an image of how the rest of the concern will be operated. If exterior maintenance is slipshod, then potential customers might well expect the internal cleanliness and other affairs of the mall or business to also be poorly run.

• Shopping centers are finding maintenance of market share to be an increasingly competitive proposition. It’s virtually impossible to develop or retain the desired competitive edge if the grounds on the exterior of the business are poorly maintained.

• Even the most beautiful landscaping project is negated by a parking area which is cluttered with debris. If it has objects which might flatten a tire, people hesitate to drive in due to the potential for tire damage.

• Correct management of storm water runoff is a big factor for owners of parking areas today. Sweeping is a Best Management Practice (BMP) for storm water runoff, and a structured sweeping program can help to ensure the business is doing all it can to minimize pollutants in its storm water runoff stream.

• When a parking area is clean to begin with, shoppers are more careful throwing trash out of their cars when they come to shop.

• Sand, dirt and other trash are abrasive, and will shorten the useful life of pavement, as well as the length of service time of any sealcoating, striping, etc.

• The professionalism of the local business community at large is a composite of the individual images projected by each of the businesses within it. When people have several places where they feel comfortable shopping in a particular neighborhood or township, traffic is increased throughout the entire general area.

• When a parking area remains unswept for a long enough period, it will attract rodents and other potentially disease-carrying or dangerous animals.

• Keeping litter picked up reduces the chances of slip-and-fall injuries, as well as the business property’s potential liability in any resultant lawsuits.

• When dirt is allowed to stay on pavement, it quickly starts deteriorating the paving material. This is especially true when enough dirt collects to start plants growing, since their roots cause cracking in cement and asphalt. Replacement costs for pavement far exceed the routine expense of sweeping.

Shared with permission from


Big Box Blunders

In recent months, Wal-Mart went the way of Lowe's, Kohl's and other large box companies where their corporate office entertains a bid for all exterior maintenance from "national" contractors like SpringWise (used to be Genesis FM), USM (used to be US Maintenance), GreenKeeper, Mirror Lawn & Turf and others. As a result, quality control has gone in the tank and we hear many of our local store managers grumble. The corporate offices have taken outside maintenance out of the hands of local and even district/regional managers.
But should we be surprised? The "big box" stores have done the same thing inside the store: Finding people or companies willing to sell them a product for a fraction of a penny on the dollar hoping to make up the profit in volume. Local quality, local customer service, local control and local products are no longer valued ... and it shows. It is very disappointing to see it happen.


Birth of an Idea

We met on the playground bench while the kids ran around.

The idea hatched: Start a business to help keep Kentucky clean, provide good work for the underemployed, serve the community, and ultimately be a model business for other like-minded social entreprenuers to follow.

In a nutshell, we exist to care about the details.

This is our journey...